====== Is VHS Open Project ====== [[http://www.isvhsopen.com|isvhsopen.com]] is intended to tell non-keyholding members when VHS is open, so they can come down. It was originally written by [[https://github.com/lukec|LukeC]], as part of the [[https://github.com/vhs/api/tree/perl_version|VHS API (Perl codebase)]]. The VHS API has since been rewritten by [[https://github.com/interlock|Interlock]] as a [[https://github.com/vhs/api|Node.js project]]. The API is hosted at [[http://api.vanhack.ca|api.vanhack.ca]] and acts as a public key-value store, although it is no longer an integral part of isvhsopen. One of the original frustrations was that members would see that the space was open, head down, and it would be closed by the time they got there. While previously, the control was just a light switch, a [[https://github.com/vhs/SpaceTime|new controller]] was built, slowly, with input from many people. [[https://github.com/BruceFletcher|Bruce]], [[https://github.com/lukec|Luke C]], [[https://github.com/JarrettR|Jarrett]], [[https://github.com/garthomite|Garth]], and finally the [[https://github.com/vhs/SpaceTime/tree/master/python|Raspberry Pi and Python portion]] finished off by [[https://github.com/acropup|Shane]]. The new version went live in December 2015, with a [[https://github.com/vhs/isvhsopen|new website and single-purpose API]] by [[https://github.com/garthomite|Garth]]. The [[https://github.com/vhs/SpaceTime|SpaceTime]] box looks like this: ***INSERT PICTURE HERE*** Top LED display shows current time, bottom one shows expected time to close, settable by the keyholder who has the space open. Forum [[https://talk.vanhack.ca/t/isvhsopen-com/3462|thread]] discussing isvhsopen.com. **Other ways to check isvhsopen.com:** * isvhsopen.com query formats include [[http://www.isvhsopen.com/plain|plain]] and [[http://www.isvhsopen.com/api/status|JSON]]. * SMS (text messaging) interface ([[https://talk.vanhack.ca/t/isvhsopen-sms-interface/3526|talk]]) * Google Chrome extension ([[https://github.com/vhs/isvhsopen-Chrome-Extension|GitHub]], [[https://talk.vanhack.ca/t/isvhsopen-chrome-extension/3549|talk]]) * ESP8266-based LED indicator ([[https://talk.vanhack.ca/t/project-esp8266-ya--isvhsopen-indicator-light/2219|talk]]) https://vanhack.ca/doku.php?id=tutorials:send_notification_vhs_is_open